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Here We Go! Fall 2017

I don’t know about you guys but the start of the school semester brings out all the

feelings for me! I enjoy the lazy days of summer… doing all those activities it seems like we don’t have time to do… lazy mornings in our pajamas, afternoons at the pool, family vacations.

But, as much as I enjoy the slower pace of summer, my type A personality can also cause those “lazy days of summer” to evoke a sense of guilt for this full-time mom and adoption professional. In the world of Adoption Support Alliance, summer means that less is getting done.

Not because we are not thinking about you and not thinking about the organization… we are just doing all that thinking away from computers and email. My wheels are turning while driving the kids around, coordinating and supervising playdates and running family errands (I have written this blog post in my head a dozen times!). I have a long list of things I would like to get done when school is back in and my brain has space… and, now we are here, school is back. My house is quiet. My kids are engaged by their loving, caring, thoughtful teachers. And, I find myself somewhat overwhelmed by all that I want to accomplish for the ASA community.

This blog is one of those things that have been neglected this summer- and I apologize! Not that I think that you are waiting with bated breath for the next blog post- but because ASA wants to engage with you. All the time. And there are just not enough hours in the day!

So, thanks for being such a patient and gracious community to us. Thanks for trusting us with your family’s stories and for sending us second emails if we have been slow to respond this summer! And, as your brains start to empty out a little with the kids at school or just feel renewed energy now that the humidity is lifting, please considering engaging with us again!

We have a lot going on this fall and we’d love for you to be a part of it. It won’t be perfect. You will likely see us on our learning curve as we stretch to offer more! But, we hope that it will be loving and we know it will build community for adoptive families- because, let’s be honest, you are the ones who do that for each other. And, it’s an honor to play a role in that. Even if it means being slightly frozen by the length of our to do lists ;)

In case we don’t say it enough, we are always open to more things. Please reach out to if there is a way we can serve your family or a way that you are already serving adoptive families and we can help spread the word or a way that you’d like to partner with us to serve more families!

Here is a list of what we have going on this fall:

Fall Photo Fundraiser

October 14, 2017 at The Vue uptown. Donate to ASA and get professional pictures made. Tickets are available for purchase now! Click here for more details. Talk about getting something crossed off your list- it was SUCH a blessing to have family pictures done in October for my family last year- made holiday cards that much easier!

Support Groups

We have several established groups that are continuing, a few new ones being offered and hope to start a couple more. Click here for the details. I have learned so much from the families that have engaged in these groups in the past. And, I have loved witnessing the friendships that have developed among participants.

Community Partnerships

There are so many professionals that work with adoptive families every day. Our vision is for ASA to become a clearinghouse for these professionals- so that we can point adoptive families in the direction of adoption competent people. Be on the lookout for a new component of our website that highlights the connections we have made since our inception (believe me, it’s on the list!).

Volunteer Opportunities

Part of what we (by we, I mean me- the controlling one ;)) need to become better about is engaging others in our mission through volunteer opportunities. We can engage the community better if we involve the community in our work. We already have a stellar group of “ASA Ambassadors” who help us spread the word about our events. But, we’d always love help with marketing, fundraising and financial planning- the things that keep this organization moving. And, if you are willing to host community building events in your neighborhood or volunteer for our fundraiser or host a gathering to tell others about ASA or provide childcare for families who are participating in our events, we’d love to hear from you. Who knows? Maybe those opportunities will make it to the website soon too! In the meantime,

if you have interest in serving our organization.

Thank you all for your support and engagement with us. I have confidence I am working within my calling and purpose and that’s what gives me energy daily to tackle the list- our vision to see every adoptive family thrive!

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